May 30, 2023

5-Day Work Management Challenge

It’s almost impossible to imagine a successful marketing initiative today without technology. Mapping customer experiences, anticipating needs, providing personalized engagement, improving loyalty, eliminating risk, and executing campaigns at massive scale and speed all require technology. Yet, despite technology’s critical role in the future of marketing, most companies aren’t using the full capabilities of their MarTech investments. According to Gartner’s 2022 Marketing Technology Survey, marketers use only 42% of their MarTech stack capabilities, a downward trend from two years ago.

While many things can contribute to low technology utilization – poor integration, insufficient talent to drive adoption, redundant systems, and the overall complexity of the marketing technology ecosystem – the biggest problem holding back marketers from entirely using the technology they have (and want) is enterprise chaos.

Enterprise chaos happens when internal teams do not share a unified approach to business goals, processes, technology, data, and people. Too many tools across teams without a strategy and method for managing work makes it difficult and frustrating for marketers to operate efficiently across business functions.

Sign up for the Challenge

Leap into the 5-Day Work Management Challenge

We developed the 5-Day Work Management Challenge to prompt an exploration of your marketing environment, clear away enterprise chaos, and transform how your business uses technology to advance and accelerate marketing together. Each day for five days, you will receive one question in your inbox to help you evaluate and strategize your relationship with technology. We’ll also give you some supporting questions to get you thinking and moving closer to your needed answers.

Where to Start

When operating at full utilization, technology investments mirror and support a company’s investment in its vision, goals, and people across:

  • Business Strategy
  • Challenges & Objectives
  • Work Management
  • Process
  • Collaboration
  • Program Management
  • Budget
  • Resources
  • Change Management 
  • Implementation 
  • Reviews
  • Reporting
  • Success

Achieving this kind of Connected Work® requires honest introspection, intentionality, communication, and removing departmental divides that hinder progress.

“If marketing technology teams fail to leverage more of their technology stack’s potential, CMO credibility as a business-driven technology buyer and the owner will be imperiled.”

Gartner 2022 Marketing Technology Report

Ready for the 5-Day Challenge?

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